The pilgrimage is the oldest expression of religiousness, known and practised both by Christians and by believers of other religions. For the Church it is a valid way of human promotion and evangelisation, for the strong calling that it exerts even on non practising people..
(Work of the Pilgrimages...)
Pilgrimage to Assisi | Towns Village on the Pilgrimage | |
”Vade Francisco et repara domum meam” |
The pilgrimage in 11 daysi.The classical itinerary has been planned for people of all ages. Recently an alternative itinerary has been proposed in order to reach Assisi in 11 days of walking, including departure and arrival. This favours fast walkers and people with limited time. The foreseen stops are the following: 0. Rifugio Benedetta Bianchi Porro di Dovadola Rifugio 1. Dovadola - Portico Km 30 Portico 2. Portico - Corniolo Km 29 Corniolo 3. Corniolo - Camaldoli Km 21 Camaldoli 4. Camaldoli - Biforco Km 20 Biforco 5. Biforco - Verna 9 Km Verna Verna - Caprese Michelangelo Km 23 Caprese 6. Caprese Michelangelo - Sansepolcro Km 25 Sansepolcro 7. Sansepolcro - Città di Castello1 Km 29 Città di Castello 8.Città di Castello - Pietralunga Km 30 Pietralunga 9. Pietralunga - Gubbio Km 27 Gubbio 10. Gubbio - Valfabbrica Km 34 Valfabbrica 11. Valfabbrica - Assisi Km 16 Assisi Home |
.. “To my brother Anthony, my bishop, I wish good health. I approve of your teaching theology to the monks, but only on condition that, owing to this study, you will not dampen the spirit of the holy prayer and devotion, as it is ordained in the Rule. Be well” Francis . “Here, on earth, the eye of the soul is Love, the only valid one to overcome any veil. Wherever the intellect stops, love proceeds with its own colour to the union with God” Saint Anthony from Padua, Sermone