A zarándoklat a keresztény élet egyik ősi jelképe, amelynek alapja a bibliai antropológia. A keresztény ember, úton lévő ember (homo viator), aki nem feledkezik meg arról, hogy az embernek miután kiűzetett a paradicsomból végig kell mennie a bűn és szabadulás hosszú és gyötrelmes útján, és csak élete végén juthat el a mennyei Jeruzsálembe, hogy ott Istennel és Krisztussal találkozzon (Jel 21-22).
Assisi zarándokút | A zarándokút állomásai | |
"Ferenc, Ferenc, menj és javítsd meg a házamat, mert látod, hogy romokba dől." |
Application Form for the Credential
Please fill in the following form and send it by email to: collegium@camminodiassisi.it I, the undersigned, [first name, surname] (*) ................................................................. born in (city, state) .................................................................... on .............................. of ....................................................................nationality (ID type and number ........... .............................................) with permanent residence in (full address) ......................................................................................................................................... Phone number ...................................................... e-mail ...................................................... ask, hereby, to be enrolled in the Compagnia del Cammino (“Company of the Pilgrimage”) and to receive a Credential recognized as valid along the Pilgrimage of Assisi. I hereby state that I will walk for (check one): from (start point) ..................... to (end point) ..................... I understand that at the “Benedetta Bianchi Porro” refuge in Dovadola (start point of the Pilgrimage) I will receive the following items: - One Pilgrim’s Credential. - A list of refuges along the pilgrimage (where to sleep). - A Guide of the Pilgrimage to Assisi, with daily stages which must be strictly followed since bed availability in the refuges is limited and alternative private accommodation is rare or inexistent. It is therefore necessary to obtain the Association’s approval. Membership fee to enroll in the Compagnia del Cammino is 15 euros. I plan to arrive at Dovadola on ……./……./20…… I require accommodation at the Dovadola refuge for that night ( YES / NO ) I plan to start walking the Pilgrimage towards Assisi on ……./……./20……(**) Further requests or information: ..........................................................................................
Signature .......................................... Date ……./……./20…… (*) Informative report according to the Legislative Decree n. 675 of 31/12/1996: personal data are collected and stored by Collegium Subsidio Peregrino. (**) Due to the limited accommodation availability at the refuges and to the absence of alternative private structures, the number of pilgrims that can start on the same day is pre-arranged. It is therefore necessary to obtain the Association’s approval on the indicated start date before starting the pilgrimage. Important advice: Granting of the Credential is dependent on the enrollment to the free association called “Compagnia del Cammino
di Assisi” (Company of the Pilgrimage of Assisi), as “socio pellegrino” (pilgrim member). The Association is called upon to
manage the logistics along the pilgrimage, in particular the refuges where only members can be admitted according to the
current law regulations. The Credential is the only official document recognized as valid by all the institutions/persons
involved in the pilgrimage. It gives the holder the right to use the pilgrims’ refuge and to obtain discount rates at the
participating structures (restaurants, guesthouses, rural accommodations, hotels, etc.) which have an agreement with the
Association. Furthermore, it grants the right to collect, at the end of the pilgrimage, the certificate of pilgrimage issued
by the Friars of Assisi, called the “Assisiana”. |
.. "Azt akarom, tanítsd a testvéreket a szent hittudományra. De ezt úgy tedd, hogy sem benned, sem bennük az imádság szelleme ki ne aludjék. Hiszen így ígértük a szabályokban." Link: Padovai Szent Antal élete és munkássága . "Itt a Földön, a lélek szeme a szeretet, az egyetlen érvényes dolog, amely fellebbent minden fátylat. Ahol az értelem megáll, ott a szeretet, a melegével összeköt Istennel"